CSX Rail Train W019-27, previously tied down in the Dudley Siding, rolled out of the siding after the air brakes leaked off and the handbrakes failed to hold the train on the 1.21% descending grade. The crew of Q522-06, having just boarded the Alabama Southern interchange train bound for CSX Boyles Yard at Birmingham, was receiving their track authorization from the CSX train dispatcher when they noticed the road crossing lights just in front of the locomotive activate. Upon seeing this, the crew jumped from their locomotive. The complete report can be seen at: http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/safety/Accident_Investigation/2007/hq200776.pdf |
12/6/2007 |
Brookwood, AL Map  |
1367 |
Collection Of:

Bernie Feltman |
Locomotives: Rolling Stock: |
Author: 911 crew
Picture Categories: Wreck |
This picture is part of album: CSX Alabama action shots |